
Our clan has been created in February 2011 with the purpose of gathering AssaultCube Argentine players to share good times, improve our skills, participate in competitions between clans, mapping, modear and what we can achieve in this great game and its versatility. Originally settled by Native and Oh Mandy. Started with a couple of servers and a single recruit household: S @ ngre. Then enter Walrus10 and soon the clan members filled up until the current 13, with some casualties along the way. From the start the Clan Clan received the support of [ED] Emissaries of the destruction that has extensive experience in the environment and is composed of a group of exceptional people, most notably HGF-ARG, Illuminatiox, Alex007, Dade and RID . Our clan clan follows a brother who is named by Armmagedon L3an Soldiers. Both clans are formalized about the same time and are now fully active.

Yeah, hey 🙂 we’re a new clan, called “Absolute Domination”, our tag is ‘|aD.

We only have two members currently, SkyHawk (myself) and yopa (ex-CoE). We’ll be recruiting people so if you wanna look at our site, it’s here. Also, post an application here. If we like your app we’ll get back to you about a test!

We’ve already played inters with members of eQ and oNe, among other Assaultcubers.

To sign up you don’t have to be an amazing player, but as long as you aren’t nooby its ok. and you have to be able to speak English, because that’s what myself and yopa both speak (although yopa speaks Norwegian and I speak a little finnish).

So yeah, if anyone would like to apply feel free ^^ happy fragging everyone 🙂

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